Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun days

Mike and I made our way to Florence and visited Heceta Beach. It was about 20 degrees cooler there than in Eugene. I found a bunch of jelly fish that I kept almost stepping on. We went a little further up the beach to the largest sea lion caves in America and we were going to take the tour but we were informed that we would not see any sea lions because they are all in the water preparing for winter so we would only see the caves. We decided we will go back in the summer when we can actually see the sea lions in the wild!

The beach was soooo foggy we couldn't even see 10 feet in front of us for the first hour but then it cleared up a bit and we could see 20 feet in front of us. The water was FREEZING but there were still plenty of crazies out swimming around. But it was a fun day!

This is Mike with Mr. Ken Kesey should appreciate this one, this is a memorial for the guy who wrote "One Flew Over the KooKoo's Nest". He was a very large man, this was life size and he was huge! We found him right in the heart of downtown.

Yesterday went on a trip around downtown Eugene and went in all the little shops and just wandered around. This was a really neat fountain we found on one of the corners.


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